Yaroslav Derkachenko: Cyberwar it`s an existantional threat for whole human beings

Yaroslav Derakachenko, cyberfuturologist GOAL


Ukrainian cyberspace is a part of European cyberspace.

You and I have both similarities and differences in it.

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Among our similarities are information risks and cyber risks, which are essentially global.


Our differences are the fact that our state has real combat and effective experience in conducting cyber warfare against Russia. And the main thing: is a readiness and willingness to use effective means. After all, it is one thing to have the experience of training and cyber training at all, it is quite another to participate in a real cyber war, be ready to real fight in cyberspace.


One of the vivid examples was the fact that today, through artificially created social platforms, some disinformation was being spread about the alleged departure of “our president V. Zelensky” from the territory of Kyiv or Ukraine. Allegedly, he left his people at the mercy of the Russian bear.


From our experience, I’d like to highlight a few common challenges and issues we face in cyberwarfare.

Our success

1. Without the presence of cyber troops and appropriate command and coordination, we defeated Russian cyber troops and pro-state / proxy hacker groups. We forced the enemy to disconnect from the global Internet.

A funny example. While I was working in the company, I received an email from an employee asking for permission to install software for DDos from Russian resources on a corporate laptop.

2. Implementation of operational coordination of all citizens, whole society who have a smartphone in their hands to effectively fight against the enemy.

3. Implementation of strategic communications measures to prevent information and psychology operation due to manipulation and using Deep Fake technology. When public appeals of high-ranking officials about alleged surrender to the enemy were imitated.

4. The resilience of strategic infrastructure objects was preserved. Their cyber protection is ensured. It’s a very sensitive point: to keep our strategic infrastructure in resilience, safe.


Our challenges

1. Currently, the presence of a large number of Telegram channels is recorded, the detection and blocking of which requires considerable time and resources.

2. Right now, the possibility of using Free social service (Google) for marking potential missile strikes is still preserved.

3. Existence of cyber volunteers. Cyberwar is quickly exhausting, so the motivation of cyber volunteers needs to be constantly fueled.

4. The cyber security policy needs to be improved, in terms of increasing digital literacy among the population.

In my opinion, a necessary condition for winning the cyber war is the development of international cooperation, the support of international initiatives, and the formation of trust in the field of cyber security.


The potential for further escalation in the ongoing war in Ukraine is a significant

concern. Although much of this escalation will surely be directed

against Ukrainian cyberinfrastructure. So it includes many other actors, specifically the European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies has become plausible.


So, Ukrainian cyberspace is a part of European.

Accordingly, security of Ukraine — is a security of whole Europe.


I am strongly believing, that the right and correct pathway to prevent potential escalation is to fight together.


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