Why I decided to start this series «ORDO ORDINANS»?
First of all, I have led an inner conviction of the need to overcome that artificial barrier, in which the current generation and future generation lose their immanent radical connection. Modern development of science in Ukraine becomes systematic, but painfully sad that now lacks affinity between scientific generations.
In most cases those who have earned scientific degree, very meticulously and partly subjective treat themselves towards talented younger generation, but also are trying to impose on the not untalented youth such a thing like unlimited improvement of their own theoretical studies.
Such intellectual separatism is partly converted into scientific “bullying” when certain groups of doctors of sciences make it impossible to defend dissertations, hiding behind dubious slogans about “necessity of improvement and a deeper studying of the subject of research.”
So now in science is a real monopoly on certain topics, research areas that not only affects the science itself, but also leads to the doubts in the light of science, forcing young people to think about the ability to work independently. Moreover now in Ukraine the concept of scientific school has somehow ended up almost outlawed, especially it concerns legal sciences. The role of the state – is a separate issue, unfortunately, in Ukraine the science hardly exists at the margin.
And also I would like to draw attention to the system of training of scientific personnels, that needs radical change. I am convinced, it is necessary to learn the experience of other countries, especially the U.S., where I was fortunate to learn. In particular, at U.S. universities training of scientific personnel is carried out on those areas on which the leading scientists are already working, thus the presence of scientific school there is a key driver of further development of science. This is why, for example, Professor of National Security University of Delaware (USA) M. J. Miller, who has devoted his scientific research for problems of migration, has not students who would studied the problem of reforming the justice system in the United States or the recovery of damages to participants of criminal proceedings through illegal actions of state authorities.
Moreover, the procedure of normalization and formation of postgraduate corps is determined not by the administration of the institution, but by the professors who personally select themselves postgraduates. Each professor is responsible for the scientific development of a certain topic, each year the budget is approved for that, within which the admission of the most clever and creative graduate students is carried out. Therefore the desire of mediocre students to overstay in graduate school a few years – there is impossible. So the hard administrative control, which boast Ukrainian universities, never resolve the problems because that is not the question that those who entered – defend their dissertations. The question is in preserving scientific traditions, the development of scientific schools and scientific movement to new horizons of knowledge.
Wrong comprehension of this questions has led to legitimation of provision fixed in the guidelines of HAC, that the theme of the doctoral thesis cannot repeat the Ph.D. thesis. However, I’m sorry, about what then continuity in science can we talk when officials prohibit the author to choose the direction of his research for a lifetime in order to research gradually selected problem, according to the requests to the works of candidate and dissertation-level?
Ph.D. thesis is the beginning of a scientific way, and doctoral thesis should serve the organic extension of Ph.D. thesis. Under such circumstances it will be possible to talk about integrity, and finally about the systematic research, and about the continuity of scientific and personal growth.
I am convinced that the determining role in the preparation of professional and competent scientist must belong to Scientific leader. From its competence, pedagogical skills, personal qualities, ability to motivate and assist in overcoming frustrations on thorny scientific way depends the quality of the final product – the value of the degree of scientific expert. Scientific leader, like a father, who taking by the hand leads through the thorns to the stars, through the stormy world of science, where are many difficulties, and most importantly – so hard to believe in your own strength, and so easy to despair of the possibility of scientific victories. Therefore the Scientific leader, in my opinion, in this case is unique ordo ordinans – the arranging beginning. Without going into the philosophical meaning of this concept, which is proposed by I.H.Fihte, I would like to emphasize the directive sense of the Scientific leader, the need to increase its responsibility for the formation of scientific schools.
That’s why I decided to start production of a series of books, in which the result, quintessential of teamwork of scientific leader and his disciple, would find its echo. At once I note that in my opinion, it represents due order, arranging beginning for the young scientist – his leader. Therefore I will take into account not only that works, where I actually was officially assigned as scientific leader, but also those where I directly was the arranging beginning for graduate and contributed to its establishment as a future scientist.
Together with the head and his student the Specialized Scientific Council, whose members contribute through their advice to further inspiration in the improvement of the work, directly participate in the implementation of the proclaimed concept.
Therefore, a series of “ORDO ORDINANS” - is my scientific position and concrete contribution to the promotion of systemic science in Ukraine, in which the scientific community, which consists of scientists, young researchers and future researchers as the most professional, intelligent and knowledgeable layer of Ukrainian historical nation – represents a single, holistic intellectual continuum, epistemological community – an elite, that has to establish ways to the future, the basis of national identity and progressive sustainable development of our country.
With steadfast faith in the victorious course of science | V.A. Lipkan |