7 april  2015 was the next programme of

Smart Ukraine

the topic was:

Ukraine nationale Sicherheit im Kontext der Interaktion mit Deutschland

National Security of Ukraine in the context of interaction with Germany


My Guest:


Christian Farkhodeh

Oberst i. G.


Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

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Der Moderator: 

Der Sicherheitsexperte

strategische Forschung und globale F?hrungsrolle  



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The following questions are based on the abovementioned issues:


  1. What is the modern hybrid war and its main difference from the conception of “Smart power” which was developed by Suzanne Nossel and Joseph Samuel Nye. As we know the most common understanding we may conclude in such words is the following one: to win the peace, therefore, the US will have to show as much skill in exercising soft power as it has in using hard power to win the war. “Smart power addresses multilateralism and enhances foreign policy”


  1. How does the Russian Federation carry out its propaganda campaign on   “brainwashing” of the citizens of Europe and, first of all, of the Germany (particular examples)?


  1. One of the Bundestag deputy from Christian democracy Unit Norbert R?ttgen urged to resist to Russian information propaganda. In particular in Deutsche Wellehe he said: ”Russian propaganda wants to separate us. We must fight against it”. Tell us, please, how exactly do you fight with it and what methods and resources do you use?



  1. sahra
  2. SahraWagenknecht 5.04 said that Nazi militaries are taking part on Ukrainian boarder. At the same time, she uses very accurate words to describe Russian-terrorist troops. Don’t you think that this person issues irresponsible statements which are the part of Russian propaganda



  1.  Next question is tightly connected with the abovementioned issue. How does Europe contradict it?


  1. This Blockupy protest is a marker which shows that the smart war against Germany has started. To my mind, the war has come to Germany. To prove my words, Rainer Wendt said that demonstrators are ready to use violence, their main goal is to attack a state covered by capitalism critics. What do you say? Do you see the strong linkage between the protests for different reasons and hybrid war? How do you classify these actions according to the national security strategy? Do you see the horizons of this protests and real core which is crucial to ensure German security
  2.                     “Peaceful citizens” of Frankfurt..          Look attention2.27-2.32
  3.               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJTQ1txxs78                   

Nowdays Germany

13 12 15 23 25 27 37 46 49 4821 3029


1 2 352013_1_щтурм_АП civil_armed civil_armed_4civil_armed_2delivery_1 police_fired sniper_2provocatorsгаз_1 ружье ружье_4




  1. he next controversial question is the following one: Sun Tzu said that if you want to live in peace, you should be prepared to war. How do you estimate that the USA and the UK sent military instructors, weapons and so on to Ukraine? Do we want war or peace? Are we prepared for war or for peace? As, for example, Sahra Wagenknecht identifies this actions as actions that undermine the peace process.
  2.            Which sanctions were imposed on the Russian Federation by Germany? And do you consider that these sanctions are an adequate reaction on military aggression from Russia?                 
  3.    What prevents German politicians to take decisions concerning the military help that are so necessary for Ukraine?


  1.   Are there any threats that the scenario which was used by the Russian Federation in Ukraine can be used in the EU countries in future, in particular in Germany?


  1. What is your opinion about the possibility of Putin’s “spring attack”?



  1. What is your prediction concerning the development of the events in Ukraine?


  1. Does Germany consider the possibility of the participation in a probable peace-keeping operation in Ukraine?


  1.  What do you think about the necessity to increase the number of Special Forces and the Ministry of Defense? Because some blind man German politics during war talk about peace, like a kid who doesn’t realize the difference between reality and virtuality.


  1.      Helmut Schmidt said that the NATO is an instrument of US world hegemony. How can you comment this statement ?



I want to express gratitude to my guest German Defense Attach? and President Defense Attorney Corps in Kyiv

Christian Farkhondeh


The main conclusions of our conversation are the following:


1)     Not militiamen (rebels) are fighting at the East of Ukraine but local bandits-terrorists and mercenaries from the Russian Federation, in particular the units of the internal military forces of the Russian Federation;

2)     German’s side evaluates highly the actions of Ukrainian government (the President of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine) concerning regulation of the crisis and containment of the Russian aggression;

3)     The civilized world supports Ukraine and carries out the complex of measures. The government of Germany doesn’t remain uninvolved;

4)     The western world should find a possibility to enlarge the help for Ukraine, first of all to help Ukraine with the armament;

5)     Nowadays the future of Europe is being determined at the Russian-Ukrainian border;

6)     The Russian Federation carries out the aggressive informational campaign against the EU in the context of events in Ukraine using different methods. For example, in the case of foreign TV viewers the Russian propaganda is being concealed by the use of the source, which is alternative to Western media broadcasting.

7)     In return there was a proposition to strengthen the European international media through the creation and support of Ukraine Tomorrow channel and also Deutsche Welle, BBC International and RFI. The core message is the following one: propaganda can be countered only like an ideal objective, educational and pluralistic coverage.

8)     If we want to live in peace, we should be able to provide our national security including hard power and lethal weapons.


It was Vladimir Lipkan, Doctor of Law

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